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HEAVY METAL: 'Chasing The Dragon' #1 is Available Now

 In Chasing the Dragon , New York Times Bestselling writer Denton J. Tipton and acclaimed painter menton3 explore a dark fantasy world ravaged by the rampant abuse of a drug made from the blood of dragons. When two young slaves discover a terrible secret that could change the course of the world, will a meek alchemist’s apprentice and a drug-addled concubine survive long outside their cages? For fans of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad . CHASING THE DRAGON Writer: Denton J. Tiption  Artist: menton3 Publisher: Heavy Metal Release: Feb. 26, 2021  Order Here

Retro Space Girl: Original Cosplay by Yaya Han

While traveling the globe as cosplay's premiere ambassador and creating innovative and authentic costumes based on comic book, video game and anime characters, Yaya Han somehow finds the time to be even more creative with original works like her latest, Retro Space Girl. 

Yaya drew her inspiration from the science fiction futurism of the 50's and 60's when the future was envisioned through pop culture and entertainment as other-worldly technology and fashion. This retro style of costume comes from sci-fi films like Barbarella and countless others that incorporate shiny fabrics and colors with loops and belts and of course...a jetpack.


Yaya goes into great detail about her design and the inspiration behind it. She's not afraid to let you in on her design secrets even when things didn't turn out as planned. I've included her original notes and more photos will be added as they become available.  

New photo of Retro Space Girl!
Character concept, design and creation of the costume by Yaya Han
Photographed by Brian Bolin
The Retro Sci-Fi era of the 50's - 70's, Retro Futurism and Sci-Fi Pin Up!
Through posting photos, I realized that many of you are not familiar with this theme, so here are some helpful links!
The definition of Retro Futurism on Wikipedia:

Classic Retro Sci-Fi movie "Barbarella featuring Jane Fonda, 1968:

An awesome Pinterest Board with Retro Sci-Fi Pin Up! Images like these truly made me fall in love with the world of Retro Futurism!

Star Trek: The Original Series - TOS came at the tail end of the Retro Sci-Fi era! Just check out this compilation of costumes from the TV Show:

How I made this costume:
This is version 3 of the same character, first created by me back in 2006! I've always wanted to pay homage to the tongue-n-cheek, fabulous retro sci-fi futura theme of the 60's. It's a whimsical pin-up, cheesecake, sexy yet innocent world, and if you know me, you know I LOVE all of these things!
I used a metallic silver spandex (center panels), a silver pleather (side panels), a pink neoprene (trim), a pink spandex layered over the neoprene (inserts, puffs) and reflective pink band (constrating trims, belt). All together, 5 materials just for the outside of the jacket and bodysuit, which are lined as well. 
Patterning and fit were really challenging, and I spent a few added up hours just seam ripping!  
I went for a racing suit look this time, and made costume so it can be worn with or without the jacket.  
Brian was awesome and made the jetpack for me, in 2 days! It does light up but we shot in between rain so I didn't turn them on. 
My hair was colored by Rogue Hair Studio, and I also used the custom colored extensions from them!

First official photo of my new Retro Space Girl costume!!!

Character concept and design by Yaya Han
Costume made by Yaya Han
Photographed by Brian Boling

I'm so happy with how version 3 of my Space Girl turned out! Granted, I spent way more time on the craftsmanship of this costume than the previous 2. 
The inspiration behind this character is undoubtedly Barbarella, and the entire fabulous retro sci-fi futura theme of the 60's. It's a whimsical pin-up, cheesecake, sexy yet innocent world, and if you know me, you know I LOVE all of these things!
I've never revisited an original character or theme as often as my Retro Space Girl, to the point where she has become my logo for!

I used a metallic silver spandex (center panels), a silver pleather (side panels), a pink neoprene (trim), a pink spandex layered over the neoprene (inserts, puffs) and reflective pink band (constrating trims, belt). All together, 5 materials just for the outside of the jacket and bodysuit, which are lined as well.
Patterning and fit were really challenging, and I spent a few added up hours just seam ripping!
I went for a racing suit look this time, and made costume so it can be worn with or without the jacket. 
The boots are the original pair I used for the 1st Space Girl costume back in 2006! For nostalgia's sake, I re-used them haha.

Brian was awesome and made the jetpack for me, in 2 days! It does light up but we shot in between rain so I didn't turn them on.

My hair was colored by Rogue Hair Studio, and I also used the custom colored extensions from them. Styling big 60's hair on the morning you're trying to check out of a hotel is no fun, and the humidity/rain took down my volume soon after this shot. But still... I get to use mah own huurrrr!!!

More photos soon, and I look forward to adding elements to this costume. Trust me, I got lots of ideas and gadgets in mind!


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