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HEAVY METAL: 'Chasing The Dragon' #1 is Available Now

 In Chasing the Dragon , New York Times Bestselling writer Denton J. Tipton and acclaimed painter menton3 explore a dark fantasy world ravaged by the rampant abuse of a drug made from the blood of dragons. When two young slaves discover a terrible secret that could change the course of the world, will a meek alchemist’s apprentice and a drug-addled concubine survive long outside their cages? For fans of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad . CHASING THE DRAGON Writer: Denton J. Tiption  Artist: menton3 Publisher: Heavy Metal Release: Feb. 26, 2021  Order Here

Hodor vs Groot Rap Battle Because Why Not?

In the least likely of rap battles you could think of, The Warp Zone went ahead and pit Hodor against Groot anyway. The lyrics are as limited as you'd suspect but after watching it the first time put on the subtitles for the most NSFW subversive verbal beat down between a monosyllabic brute and a tree ever. 


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