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HEAVY METAL: 'Chasing The Dragon' #1 is Available Now

 In Chasing the Dragon , New York Times Bestselling writer Denton J. Tipton and acclaimed painter menton3 explore a dark fantasy world ravaged by the rampant abuse of a drug made from the blood of dragons. When two young slaves discover a terrible secret that could change the course of the world, will a meek alchemist’s apprentice and a drug-addled concubine survive long outside their cages? For fans of Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad . CHASING THE DRAGON Writer: Denton J. Tiption  Artist: menton3 Publisher: Heavy Metal Release: Feb. 26, 2021  Order Here

'Thor: Ragnarok' Teaser Already Better Than Last Two 'Thor' Movies

This November, Thor: Ragnarok. Watch the teaser trailer now! 
After two successful but creatively lackluster films, Marvel Studios hired director Taika Waititi to shake up the Thor franchise with his brand of humor and dynamic filmmaking style. The first teaser trailer for 'Thor: Ragnarok' arrived Monday and it looks, sounds, and feels unlike any Thor movie to date. In fact, it shares more with 'Guardians of the Galaxy' in tone. 

How does one exactly go about reinvigorating a property as vanilla as Thor? You start with Waititi then you add some fan-favorite actors and one giant green guy. Besides Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Idris Elba reprising their roles as Thor, Loki, and Heimdal respectively, 'Thor: Ragnarok' has added Cate Blanchett as the villainous Hela, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie,  Karl Urban as Skurge, and Jeff Goldblum as The Grandmaster. And in thrilling fashion, Mark Ruffalo's Hulk bursts onto the screen, armored and ready to battle in the Grandmaster's arena. To which, Thor excitedly proclaims, " We know each other, he’s a friend from work!" Marvel signature humor well intact. 

The trailer is colorful and action-packed complete with requisite 1970's rock anthem as its soundtrack. This time it's Led Zeppelin’s “Immigrant Song” that fuels the montage, from Hela grabbing Mjolnir and destroying it to Valkyrie capturing Thor and dragging him. It already looks like the most exciting and funniest 'Thor' movie yet.

Thor: Ragnarok hits theaters on Nov 3, 2017.

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